Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What I saw at PARCC testing.

I am a teacher in Colorado.  We are experiencing first year PARCC madness right now.  Within the classroom I've opted to let good teaching work rather than test preparation.  I've encouraged my students to show what they know and to take pride knowing that they have done their best.

When I signed on the dotted line a couple weeks ago I said that I wouldn't share any items from PARCC.  I promised I wouldn't take pictures -- PARCC you do not get to use up any memory on my phone-- and I wouldn't read or look at test items.  I promised to not take any notes or coach kids.  I promised to just keep kids in line while they took the test.  While I walked around as a PARCC security guard today watching my students put forth an AMAZING effort I did look at what I could and this is a list of what I saw:
  • Students trying their best filled with pride that they did.
  • Students intently reading and writing for multiple hours to show the world what they know and can do.
  • Students who against all odds are showing up with a positive attitude that is infectious.
  • Students who worked up until the last minute to edit and revise their work to make it the best that they can.
I also saw:
  • Lots and lots and lots of dirty kleenexes from several stuffy noses.
  • A kiddo crouched on his chair literally vibrating trying to keep his energy under wraps while his peers finished.
  • A boy making scary evil rabbit faces at his screen.  His front teeth pushed over his bottom lip and his brow furrowed.
  • A student highlighting every other word in a different color.
  • Lots of fidgeting and a concerted effort to talk down their energy.
I didn't know what to expect or how I would feel at the end of the day.  I don't know what their scores will look like but I do know that most of my students left it all on the PARCC court.  I'm proud of who they are, the prideful people they are growing into.


  1. I appreciate your observations! It sounds like you really know your students and that you've equipped them well for any situation!

  2. Love your observations, particularly the "I also saw..." - you are so aware of all their unique personalities!

  3. Missing your daily slices! Hope all is well.
